惡劣天氣課堂及考試安排 :  ERB課程 [詳情]   /   自我增值課程 [詳情]

Ethnic Minorities

Foundation Certificate in Small Business Start-up I (Fundamental Operation) (English Medium) (Part-time)


To be confirmed

Courses for Ethnic Minorities

Available Centre
Choi Wan (2) Estate / Jordan
Course Mode
Half-day mode,12 days / Total 48 hours

1. Business Opportunities (basic form & conditions, self-employment, business type, start up a business at low cost, introduction of limited & unlimited liability)
2. Business Planning (segmentation, research,positioning, promotion)
3. Business Location (selection of location, lease negotiation, shop decoration)
4. Entrepreneurship Practice (procedures of business registration, information of buying a business, franchising, skill of setting market price, customer service)
5. Product Supply (wholesale market introduction, product inspection, contraband, consignment, insurance)
6. Collection of Payment (method, application and information of various methods of collecting and using payment)
7. Use of resources (cash flow management, government funding schemes, online & other resources)
8. Introduction of relevant Ordinances

48 hours

Aged 18 or above;Interested to start up a business or be self-employed;
- Pass the interview; and Possess basic English literacy skills.

- Course fee: $3,250 (Monthly income of $22,001 or above)
- Course fee: $975 (Monthly income between $14,001 and $22,000)
- Course fee: Waived (Unemployed/monthly income of $14,000 or below)

- Accredited Certificate by the ERB

2716 8712 (Choi Wan) / 2175 0028 (Jordan)