Foundation Certificate in Vocational Cantonese II (Discussion) for Non-Chinese Speakers (Part-time)
To be confirmed
Courses for Ethnic Minorities
Available Centre
Choi Wan (2) Estate / Jordan
Course Mode
Half-day mode, 3 hours per session / Total 30 hours
1. Communicate in simple Cantonese in the workplace, including conversation in meeting, handling request from customers and customer service in workplace
2. Meeting arrangement and greeting guests
3. Discussion in meetings
4. Site Visit for practising Cantonese in real-life context
- Holder of “Foundation Certificate in Vocational Cantonese I for Non-Chinese Speakers (Part-time)” of the ERB, or equivalent, or
- pass the entry test
- Course fee: $3,250 (Monthly income of $22,001 or above)
- Course fee: $975 (Monthly income between $14,001 and $22,000)
- Course fee: Waived (Unemployed/monthly income of $14,000 or below)
Accredited Certificate by the ERB
2716 8712 (Choi Wan) / 2175 0028 (Jordan)